The organizational structure of the CPC is known for its rapid decision-making and efficient implementation.
Vertically, the CPC consists of three main levels. Central Party Organizations are the leading organ of the whole Party, like the central nerve system. Local Party Organizations are like the body, responsible for resolutely implementing the Central Committee’s decisions and liaising with the grassroots. Primary-Level Party Organizations are the cells – the basic units that reach all areas of society and cover the vast majority of enterprises, colleges and universities, rural areas and communities. They are also responsible for developing, educating and managing Party members.
Under this structure, policies of the Party can be quickly communicated and strictly implemented from the top down, while the will of Party members can be expressed from the bottom up.
Horizontally, the Party has complete functional departments at all levels from the state down to villages and towns, responsible for policy formulation, implementation, and supervision within the Party, thus ensuring scientific decision-making and efficient implementation.
According to some studies, the CPC has built a vast network of interconnection for all. With a sophisticated organizational structure, more than 95 million members work together organically, linking more than 1.4 billion people so that every decision of the Party reflects the will of the people and improves their lives.