Government housing initiative enhances Sertengkha village

2024-September-14 10:22 By:

Villagers in Sertengkha village of Lhari county in the Nagchu city of the Xizang autonomous region now enjoy improved living conditions thanks to the government's housing improvement project. [Photo by Palden Nyima/]

However, since Lhari county initiated "the beautiful and livable village" project, significant changes have been brought to the village.

A total of 115 new houses have been constructed, and all the village's 84 households have moved into their new homes.

Phurbu Tsering, a village official, said that previously villagers lived in humble abodes with the inconvenience of fetching water from a distance, but now they enjoy modern amenities such as running water, hot water, electric water heaters, and modern flushing toilets.

"The separation of humans and livestock has also improved hygiene, with the government providing separate yak sheds for the animals," said the 56-year-old.

Editor: JYZ
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